Yesterday we went to the Zhengzhou (pronounced JengJoe) museum. Amy loved it. She told our guide that she had never been there. I guess that there was a lot of history that she had learned in school and now had the opportunity to see. She wanted to read everything. I am glad that we decided to go even though much of it was over our head. This first picture is outside the museum.
This second picture is of the crowds that again gathered to check us out. Aren't they cute? They seem to think that we are very funny. I don't know why but we crack them up. This particular class has British accents when they speak english. I love to listen to them. They don't seem to know very many words but what they do know is pronounced very well.
I forgot to bring the camera when we went on a walk to the park. It was crazily awesome. First, I don't think that I have mentioned that very simple, old workout equipment is randomly placed in the sidewalk along the busy streets. Yes, as you are walking down the street you can stop and exercise! It is awesome. I will try to get some pictures of this. Anyways, there was a "playground area" with 2 swings and more of this "workout" equipment. It is really fun stuff. They have this free swinging elliptical thing. The girls and I got on it and our legs started swinging so fast that we were totally out of control. Chinese people on the otherside of the fence were taking our pictures (no surprise there!). We must have looked like the "crazy Americans". We were laughing so hard we were crying. It was awesome. Any of you coming to Zhengzhou have to come here to "play". It may have been the most fun we have had so far. Again the crowds came and looked at our tags which explain who we are and where we are from. Some got teary eyed and wanted to thank us. They continue to talk to us and Amy but I have not a clue of what they were saying. Mike sent me off to the lousy old swings!!! That is what I get for not studying Mandarin with him! (Note to self - should have hidden Mike's Mandarin cd's so I wouldn't look so dumb and missed out on all the good stuff!) Meg is very disappointed with the rain today too, we wanted to go back for more laughs.
Now a little more info on Amy. She is a typical teen in many ways. She is addicted to anything electronic. The camera is one of her favorite toys and though I hate to admit this I have just hidden it from her. She takes pictures of EVERYTHING! This picture above is of the end of her foot as we were walking by the pool. We probably have about 25 pictures of our feet now and many of the television set. Hmmm, glad we live in the era of the digital camera!!! I had also taken to hiding the remote to the tv but Mike gave me a dirty look so I took it out of my pillowcase and handed it over. I wish I weren't such a control freak. I have to laugh about this because I am probably going to spend a week watching more tv than I watch in a year. But, this is her last chance to watch these programs. There is actually one channel here that appears to be the chinese version of Disney Channel. The programs look pretty cute. Sometimes I think that I am figuring out what is going on just as she flips the channel!!! She definitely gets that from Mike's side of the family!!!! (Sorry Mimi and Papa) There is also a cool gameshow that I am beginning to like but I don't think that I will ever find out how it ends - yes... due to channel flipping!
This is a picture of Amy with Josh's Leapster. She loves this too. Unfortunately it is raining today and I have a feeling that this is how much of the day will be spent. Amy is a delight and though I have just told some of our family secrets she is very receptive to direction. We are just trying to dish it out in small doses. There is so much for her to learn due to different cultures and her lack of a normal life, my poor baby. Time for me to go and hide the computer!!!! Love you all. Thanks again for your emails and blog responses. We don't have a lot to do in the evenings and it is fun to hear from you.
lol it's actually quite amusing... and yes, I want to go back to the workout stuff!!! it wuz AWESOME!!!
Hey Dani and I race to see what you guys have Bloged every day. She has been there first though. Thank you guys so much for the Pictures of J.T. I will be leaving here before you get back. I hope that Dani and I can get together with you when I return. By then we will have J.T. here. Anyway love the Blogs. Have a safe trip
Oh, you just have me in tears. Laughing tears. I enjoy your blog so much! I just can't wait to hear what you say next. Too fun. I hope Mike was videotaping you guys on the eliptical thingy at the park:) Looking so foward to your return, hello to everyone. Take care.
I too am so anxious to open up your blog every morning to see what is new.
You already know you guys are funny anyway. The variety of personalities is so colorful and charming (I guess that's how you say crazy in a PC world) LOL! I can just see you all on the workout equipment laughing so hard with Nikki standing to the side, arms folded, rolling her eyes being sort of annoyed and embarrassed. It just great. I wish I could have been there.
Not sure if you've heard but there was a huge fire in Montecito (the really rich area above Santa Barbara) - between 80 and 100 million dollar homes were destroyed. It's going to be close to 100 this weekend with the Santa Ana's. We may need Mike to come back sooner. Everything else over here still seems pretty quiet. Trying to get Haley's showers scheduled. Going to a wedding tonight at the Castaway.
I hope the rain is letting up for you and you get to go out and have more great adventures. Can't wait to hear about them.
Love you - K
Hi guys, we had our first snow last night and it has already melted. The wind is freezing and blowing a gale. And Joyce you are right about flipping the channels. I always watch two TV programs at once. PaPa just gets stuck on one and that's it. Cannot wait for you to get home. Love ya,
This is like an (our gang comedy )And i am loving it. Amy, welcome to the family. We love you and hope that you will love us as well. Hurry home as we all miss you. Papa
Hi guys, the Mayor of LA was just on our TV and talked about the big fire in Sylmar. They are evacuating and asking people not to use electricity as they may have to start rolling blackouts in LA. The winds are 70 miles an hour and it has crossed the 14 and 5 freeway. Glad you moved here Mike! I use your dad's name because I am too lazy to use my own. See you guys soon and it was 12 degrees when I got up this morning. It is suppose to be 100 degrees in LA today........
Love ya, mimi
Hey guys! They have that exercise equipment in Guangzhou, too! It's a crack up! No wonder the Chinese are more fit then we Americans are! Sounds like you guys are having so much fun. I LOVE reading your blog posts - Joyce!
Prayer & Blessings!
Hey guys - me again. First of all - Happy Birthday MIKE!!!! I'm sure you are having one of your best birthdays ever.
Yes, Mimi is right. The fires are getting worse. Not only is Sylmar burning again and moving toward the 5 & 14 but it has spread toward Granada Hills. There is also a fire in Palos Verdes and Corona and Brea. I see smoke in every direction and it smells really strong this afternoon. I haven't gotten any sizable ash but everything is dusty. And it pretty warm today.
I hope you get to blog again soon. I miss not hearing what is going on.
Love you -K
Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Michael, Happy birthday to you! And many more! Love ya, Mom and Dad. We miss you......
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